I just wanted to pass along this article from Stonyfield about the positive effects yogurt can have on eczema.
Two out of my three kids have suffered with this skin condition as babies and into their toddler years, and Stonyfield yogurt has been a part of their daily diets for quite some time. I also use Dannon Naturals yogurt. Now at ages 6 and 3, my two are eczema free and have been for a while.
While I have used many other natural remedies over the years, which is another post in and of itself, maybe their daily dose of Yo Baby/Yo Kids yogurt has been a tremendous help! I have been very fortunate to be able to keep allopathic treatments far, far away.
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My son has been struggling with eczema off and on (he's 16 mos), so this article is really interesting to me. Thanks for sharing it -- I hope it will help him!
I read a medical study not too long ago that actually agreed (gasp!) that the active cultures in yogurt was good for nursing mommies and babies, and helped with eczema and allergies.
My little guy has a bit of a tummy upset right now, and while I'm not all keen on introducing dairy at 9 months, I am about to start giving him some yogurt if it doesn't clear up in a day or so.
Yogurt is an easy thing to get kids to eat. I love simple solutions.
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