I spent most of the weekend baking and cleaning and cleaning and baking. So, not much writing going on. Here's some proof of my baking busyness, though:

I'm SO sad I can't make and eat my amazing peppermint bark popcorn anymore. :( (It's a BIG no, no for diverticulosis.) I'll be making almond butter muddy buddies instead, which is just as yummy. :)
Sometimes I make gingerbread cookies but not every year. I always forget how exhausting marathon baking is. Whew.
Have you all done any baking yet? What are your must-have Christmas treats?
Now onto our linkup. Let's meet our hosts:
*Just so you all know, Leslie is no longer going to be participating as a Literacy Musing Mondays host. Be sure to say goodbye and let her know how much she's appreciated! It was through her blog, Forever Joyful, that I even found out about the LMMLinkup. Leslie is the host I emailed to inquire about the LMMLinkup host "position." So, thank you, Leslie for answering all of my questions and making it possible for me to join as a host. :)

Last Week’s Top Clicked Post!
Memory Jar Gift
By Carrie at
My Favorite Post of the Week
The Power of “What If?” 7 Powerful Truths to Remember When You Are Tempted to Ask What If?

Great post about alternative "What if?" questions to ask during trials, unsure future, etc. Instead of following your what-ifs with negative or worrisome thoughts, how about asking, "What if I trusted God?" Dr. Michelle Bengston turns the tables just a bit and offers 7 "What if?"questions from God's point of view. Questions we can ponder during any and every circumstance under the sun. Questions that can bring us closer to God and to true peace.
Remember to check out other hosts' blogs to see which posts from last week were their favorites. Want to be the next to be featured! Just link up a post and if you are read the most, we will feature you. Also please make sure you link back to us so others will know about our link up and join in. We try to make it worth your while to linkup with us by promoting your posts across our social media networks. We also pin our most clicked and featured posts to our Pinterest Board each week!
Now, it is time to link up to the Literacy Musing Mondays hop!

Linkup Rules:
- Include a link back or the blog hop button linked to this hop on your posts.
- Link up the urls to your posts not to your blog.
- Please remember this is a family-friendly linkup. Although we believe in the right for adults to read whatever they want to read, we prefer to read wholesome posts that feature literature that edify and uplift families. We reserve the right to delete any posts that are not family friendly. We love all kinds of literature and genres including family-friendly inspirational romances, fantasy, or science fiction. We do not welcome any posts that feature excessive violence, sexual content, or any cursing. This rule also applies to book review posts that feature books that are not family-friendly. These posts will be deleted without notice to the blogger or explanation. While we believe in the right for all adults to read whatever they want, we feel our linkup is for family-friendly posts only. Thank you for understanding.
- We also want to be loving community by supporting one another. Please make a point to do this this week! Visit the two posts before yours and at least one other blogger's post of your choice! I want to see lots of clicks on everyone's posts. Remember it is also nice to follow them on their social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
- Follow your hosts and co-hosts on their social media.
- Tweet about the link up too.
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