Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Literacy Musing Mondays Link-up ~ In Everything Give Thanks

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  in everything give thanksWelcome to the Literacy Musing Mondays Link-up Thanksgiving week! I'm super thankful to be included as an LMM host. I've really enjoyed reading what you all share each week. :) 

 In addition to being thankful for being an LMM host, I'm thankful for lots more things like family, food, & home but other things, too, like chocolate, sparkly nail polish, and whimsical fairy lights. But, can I be honest with you? I'm in a season in which being thankful is about as desirable as chewing gravel. Difficult to explain, but I'm thankful in the midst of not feeling very thankful.
It's during humdrum times like these that I have to fight extra hard to BE thankful. Because that's God's will for me.

I'm glad that I'm participating in the Thanksgiving 30 Day Scripture Writing Plan because writing out God's Word every day keeps my focus on God and off of me.

 One more thing:  We have Abraham Lincoln to thank for the annual celebration of Thanksgiving! "I do therefore invite my fellow-citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens."

If you or your kids have never read Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation, do so this week!

 Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation


Now onto our linkup. Let's meet our hosts: lmml-collage-finished
Leslie@Forever Joyful
Mary @Maryandering Creatively
Blog/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/ Instagram/Google+
Tami @ThisMomsDelight
Brandi @living between whimsy & reality
Leah@As We Walk Along the Road

Last Week’s Top Clicked Post!

Parenting: Are You a Dictator or a Leader?


By Angela Howard at No Ordinary Days

Angela offers a thought-provoking checklist of what makes a parent who leads or who dictates. I found some valuable points on both lists. I hope you will check out this great post this week.

My Favorite Post of the Week

A Legacy of Striving

capture In her post, Michele beautifully writes about Eve's legacy to us and how we all wear God's bloody grace of redemption. It's easy to want to blame Eve for the world's mess, but in reality, we are all just like her, finding ourselves all too often "hanging around the wrong tree at the wrong time." Read and be blessed!   

Remember to check out other hosts' blogs to see which posts from last week were their favorites. Want to be the next to be featured! Just link up a post and if you are read the most, we will feature you. Also please make sure you link back to us so others will know about our link up and join in. We try to make it worth your while to linkup with us by promoting your posts across our social media networks. We also pin our most clicked and featured posts to our Pinterest Board each week!

Follow Mary Hill's board Literacy Musing Mondays Linkup on Pinterest.

Now, it is time to link up to the Literacy Musing Mondays hop!   lmml-button-2   

Linkup Rules:

  1. Include a link back or the blog hop button linked to this hop on your posts.
  2. Link up the urls to your posts not to your blog.
  3. Please remember this is a family-friendly linkup. Although we believe in the right for adults to read whatever they want to read, we prefer to read wholesome posts that feature literature that edify and uplift families. We reserve the right to delete any posts that are not family friendly. We love all kinds of literature and genres including family-friendly inspirational romances, fantasy, or science fiction. We do not welcome any posts that feature excessive violence, sexual content, or any cursing. This rule also applies to book review posts that feature books that are not family-friendly. These posts will be deleted without notice to the blogger or explanation. While we believe in the right for all adults to read whatever they want, we feel our linkup is for family-friendly posts only. Thank you for understanding.
  4. We also want to be loving community by supporting one another. Please make a point to do this this week! Visit the two posts before yours and at least one other blogger's post of your choice! I want to see lots of clicks on everyone's posts. Remember it is also nice to follow them on their social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.
  5. Follow your hosts and co-hosts on their social media.
  6. Tweet about the link up too.

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