My 6th grader and 9th grader are both reading The Mystery of History Volume II this year. I absolutely love The Mystery of History curriculum and am trying to add in more extra curricular resources this time around since these two are older now. In this particular book in the series, there are only 28 weeks of scheduled lessons, so that means we have 2 weeks per quarter to focus on extras. We choose to spend the last 2 weeks of each quarter on extras.
Because I no longer have children in elementary grades, these resources are targeted toward middle and high schoolers. My goal for extras is to find fun and interesting resources that are somewhat enjoyable, not ones that conjure up total mental drudgery. 🙂
We definitely didn't have time to get through all of these, but I found all of the following resources (books and DVDs) at our local library. I'm sort of the one drawn to Viking history, so I couldn't resist bringing these home and looking through them myself. :)
Both Scotland and Japan are brought up in the second quarter, so I brought home these books, too.
My daughter had to write about a place for an English assignment, and she chose to write about Japan. It's always a plus when homeschool subjects overlap, isn't it?!
My 15-year-old mainly focused his attention on King Arthur since he also chose to write his English paper on him. Again, subjects overlapping = homeschool win!
The following book contains a couple of pages about King Arthur, but it's a big book full of lots of different events in history.
We didn't have time to watch both of the DVDs, in fact we didn't even watch the first one, King Arthur: His Life and Legends, so I can't vouch for content or anything.
My son chose to watch part of the second DVD, King Arthur and Medieval Britain. It's over 5 hours long, so he didn't get through all of it. From what I could tell, the content seemed interesting enough. Probably best for middle school and up since it does deal with the subject of adultery on some level. Again, I can't vouch for the entire DVD, though.
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